Monday, October 1, 2012

Made It Monday #1

I am jumping on-board and going to try to do a weekly Made It Monday.  Every Monday, I will feature something that I made over the past week!

This week I am featuring the super cute Soapbox Mouse that I made for Aubrey.  I originally found a cute idea on Pinterest, to do this using an Altoids tin.  Well, I don't like Altoids, and I wasn't going to buy them just for the tin.  Any dollar store sells travel soapboxes and I had picked up a few of them for various storage projects, so I thought one of them would be a good substitute.  

I started off thinking about doing this as a tutorial, but I couldn't find a good way to take step-by-step pictures.  Sorry :(!  I did, however, take quite a few pictures of the finished project, and will give you as many details as possible.

Aubrey hasn't seen her little mouse yet, so we'll just call her Mousie!

Here is Mousie without her dress.  I started by stitching the face onto one side of the body.  I blanket stitched her double-felted arms and legs.  Then I did a blanket stitch around the outside, adding in the ears, arms, and legs as I went.  I added a bow and button last.

Here she is next to the hand-stitched half moon dress.  Again, I blanket stitched all the edges and added a plastic snap in the back.

Mousie, in her dress, and with her soap box.

Mousie will be so comfy in her little soap box bed.  I simply stitched a blanket out of scrap fabric.  Then stitched it onto a piece of scrap felt and hot glued it to the bottom of the soapbox.  Her bed wouldn't be complete with out a little felt pillow.

Here she is all tucked in and ready for bed!

The original idea came from mmmcrafts and can be found at:  

Today I am linking to:

Take awhile and go check out all the creative ideas that others have posted.  I found some great things that I would love to do!


  1. Hi Lil,
    So sweet ! I'm crazy about mice with dresses! Thanks so much for sharing!
    I'd love for you to visit my blog.

    Hugs from Portugal.

    Ana Love Craft

  2. Cute idea! I'm sure it's a favorite. Thanks for sharing at I Made It! Monday. Can't wait to see what you link up this week.
